Leverett Trails Issue

Leverett Trails Issue

Use this form to report issues related to the hiking trails in Leverett, MA.

If you don't know the trail or property name, describe the general location in your own words

(8000 character limit. Characters so far: 0 Word Count: 0)
Describe the issue you wish to report

(8000 character limit. Characters so far: 0 Word Count: 0)
Be as specific as possible so someone can find and fix the problem. Unique landmarks, compass directions, distance measured in paces can all help.
This can be important if there are multiple reports of a similar issue.
Optional but helpful. We may need to follow up with you if we need more information.
Optional but helpful. LTC will confirm that we've received your information if you tell us how to contact you.

Please review what you entered before you click the Submit button, and click it ONLY ONCE.