Friendship Trail Properties

Three of the four properties making up the Friendship Trail (9.5 acres in all) were purchased by the town with Community Preservation Act funding. The Rattlesnake Gutter Trust holds the Conservation Restrictions on those three.
The Friendship Trail runs through these properties offering views of the birds and critters at the pond’s edge. Look for the intriguing bark of the small, appropriately-named musclewood tree, Carpinus caroliniana. The pond itself can be explored on foot, skate or cross-country ski in the winter or by kayak the rest of the year.
- From Town Hall turn left/south and bear right.
- Leverett Pond boat launch with kiosk and picnic table will be on your right, but the parking pull-off area is on your left. Do not block the boat launch access.
- The trail entrance is just to the left/west of the boat launch and kiosk across a small stream.
The Friendship Trail offers many views of the pond. If walkers continue on Cider Mill Road to the Long Hill Natural Area Trails, they can look back on the pond before returning to the boat launch area. They can also cross Depot Road, taking the Ed Field Trail to the rest of the East Leverett Trails. There are two maps: one of the Friendship and Long Hill Trails and the other of the East Leverett Trails (that includes the Friendship and Long Hill Trails).